Monday, March 16, 2015

How to use: Underneath Stardoll Bra's.

So, this shop called Underneath Stardoll in the Starplaza sells Bra's and panties matching your dolls skin color, so how and what to use it with?
Outfit 1:Use the transparent/see-through tops, here I'm using Miss Sixty's Chaya Shirt which is 18 Stardollars.
With the outfit, I'm also using Basic's Black High Waist Shorts which are very cheap, only 38 Starcoins, again with the following outfit I'm using Killah's Leopard Beret which is 13 Stardollars, Miss Sixty's Diva Sunglasses 5 Stardollars and the shoes are Special Offer from Halloween 2013.
If you do happen to try this outfit out, post on your MeDoll's blog, visit my doll's suite (pup.cute) and comment on my guestbook telling me to check it out ♥ ^^
Thanks for reading and I hope I gave you some inspiration ❤
~Pup.cute Stardoll.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Lookbook #1 | To The Office

First Post! Yes, this blog will be based on fashion on a game called Stardoll. Enjoy the blog and the posts ^_^
Today's look book will be a business look, classy and formal and a tiny bit of stylish ;).
Boyfriend Jacket, Bonjour Bizou | 7 SD
Paris Tee, It Girls | 9 SD
Black Jersey Mini Skirt, Basics | 50 SC
Black Sheer Tights, Rio | 30 SC
Basic Black Ballet Flats, Basics | 15 SC
Total: 22 SD & 95 SC
Stay tuned for the next look book!